Spring Clean Your Career

Spring Clean Your Career

Spring Clean Your Career

Diane Coloretti

Diane Coloretti



Spring Clean Your Career 

Spring is here! Spring is a refreshing time of year with warmer weather, longer days, new life,  and a changed outlook. When opening your home to fresh air, why not refresh your professional career too. What a perfect opportunity to reassess and refresh your professional life. This doesn’t always mean changing your career, it is about improving your job satisfaction with professional and personal growth. Seeking a work-life balance is now high importance to many but by using the usual steps that we use when we spring clean.

Here is place to start for your Career Spring Clean Checklist:

  1. Reflect on your career: Where are you now and where you would like to be, your goals, values, and direction are important, these may have changed from what they were. More time for life may be a higher priority, or additional overtime to achieve a financial goal sooner.
  2. Declutter your Workspace: A clean and organised workspace can promote a positive work environment to boost focus for productivity. Remove unnecessary items from your desk, clean up your home screen on your computer or tech devises, put away files or notes and find a structure that works for you.
  3. Set new goals: A change is as good as a holiday, so make that change by setting new and additional goals, add to your values and look at your objectives. Set achievable short term goals with direct objectives (eg. name and timeframe for that goal) and long term objectives. Define what it looks like at the end and assess what it will take to get there.
  4. Research market trends: Have a look at what is around, what other companies are looking for and are you up to date on your skills for your current role. Identify gaps that will hinder progress to your goals, do you need refresher courses, workshops or training in your chosen field.
  5. Update your personal brand: Update how you see yourself, update how you would like others to see you, this includes how you present yourself online through your professional image. Don’t forget to celebrate your recent achievements professionally and personally.
  6. Modernize your Resume, LinkedIn and Seek: Reconnect with your network, professionally or virtually, attend networking events and reach out to colleagues that inspire you. Acknowledge all acquired skills and accomplishments on your profile and bio.
  7. Seek out Mentors: Consultants or Mentors can provide unbiased feedback, guidance and support identifying gaps, upskilling needs, highlighting objectives, and advise to achieve the desired outcomes.
  8. Take Action: Every new adventure starts with the first step.

Spring Cleaning your career is about refreshing and rejuvenation, to bring you out of the rut and explore new opportunities within your current role. Be willing to adjust your path to adapt to changes that occur.

Your company HR Solution is a great place to start.

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